
The goal of RefineGeo is to facilitate the comparison between geocoding services coordinates. It uses the methodology from the study of the Geocoding process from the Single Registry (Cadastro Único) of Campinas.


You can install the development version of RefineGeo from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


At present, the toolkit comprises five primary functions:

  • clean_address: Cleanses address strings by removing punctuation, accents, double white spaces, and converting all characters to uppercase.
  • extr_cep: Extracts the CEP (equivalent to Zip Code) from an address string, accommodating both 8 and 5-digit patterns.
  • compare_cep: Verifies CEP matches between two strings.
  • points_out: Identifies coordinates located outside a municipality’s polygon boundaries.
  • get_best_coords:
    • Calculates kilometer-based distances between pairs of points from three Geocoding services.
    • Identifies the two services with the shortest distance points.
    • Extracts CEP patterns from addresses.
    • Compares CEP equality between the CEPs found in the input address and the three output addresses.
    • Computes the Method of Double Confirmation (MDC), enabling the ranking of each service. MDC Reference, enabling to rank up each service.

Basic Usage

Consider a scenario where you have an address string that contains pronunciation variations, double white spaces, and other typical input address issues.

# Sample address
address <- c("Rua JosÉ DôIS - -  12345678", "R. DR, JÔSÉ DÓIS  AV: 1 -- (12345)")
#> [1] "RUA JOSE DOIS 12345678"    "R DR JOSE DOIS AV 1 12345"

A noteworthy aspect when analyzing addresses and Geocoding is the CEP, known in Brazil as the Código de Endereçamento Postal, equivalent to the Zip Code. It encapsulates address information into a standardized code.

The CEP consists of two parts. The first five digits represent:

  • 1: Region
  • 2: Sub-Region
  • 3: Sector
  • 4: Subsector
  • 5: Subsector Divisor

The five-digit segment provides polygonal information, indicating a larger area that encompasses the full eight-digit CEP.

The final three suffixes following the “-” symbol identify individual streets, specific codes, and Correios units. For further details, refer to the official Correios website

CEP serves as a useful tool for evaluating the quality metrics of various Geocoding services. Each service offers a quality metric for the Geocoded address and output coordinate. For example, the ArcGIS service provides a score ranging from 0 to 100, while Google and Bing categorize their metrics into ROOFTOP, Low, Medium, and High.

When attempting to compare coordinates across different services, working with individual metrics might pose challenges. In such instances, CEP can establish a standardized method that remains consistent across services.

The fundamental premise here is: if the provided CEP in the input address matches the CEP in the output address provided by the Geocoding service, we can assume a high level of accuracy for that coordinate.

For example, given two strings—one representing the input address and the other the Geocoding service’s output—extr_cep() can be utilized to isolate and extract the CEP patterns from these strings.

# Sample address
input_address <- c("RUA JOSE DOIS 12345678", "R DR JOSE DOIS AV 1 12345")
output_address <- c("RUA JOSE DOIS 12345678", "R DR JOSE DOIS AV 1 12345")

# Extracting CEP
extr_cep(input_address) # Input address CEP
#> [1] "12345678" NA
extr_cep(output_address, subsector_as_zip = TRUE)  # Output address CEP
#> [1] "12345678" "12345"

The extr_cep() function can explicitly consider 5-digit (subsector) patterns as CEP if indicated by subsector_as_zip = TRUE. Otherwise, it will return NA for 5-digit patterns and focus solely on locating 8-digit CEPs.

Meanwhile, the compare_cep() function operates within a data frame structure and generates a column with binary values (1 indicating a match between two columns’ CEPs and 0 denoting no match).

# Sample data frame
df <- data.frame(cep1 = c("12345", "12345678", "12345", "12345", "12345"),
                 cep2 = c("12345", "12345678", "54321", "123", "12345"))

# Comparing CEPs
compare_cep(df, "cep1", "cep2")                      
#> [1] NA  1 NA NA NA
compare_cep(df, "cep1", "cep2", strict_check = TRUE)
#> [1]  1  1  0 NA  1

The subsector_as_zip = TRUE option functions effectively when used alongside strict_check = TRUE. With this setup, if CEPs are extracted in both 5 and 8 digits, the compare_cep() function enables specification via strict_check = TRUE to include 5-digit CEPs in the equality comparison.

Another valuable function is points_out(). Typically, when handling Geocoded addresses, you might want to visualize and work with spatial features. This function operates at the municipality level. Essentially, points_out() determines whether a provided coordinate (point) from a Geocoding service, for a given address, lies inside or outside a municipality’s boundary (polygon).

For example, this function takes several latitude and longitude pairs from the Campinas-SP municipality and verifies if they fall within or outside the municipality’s boundary. The resulting column in the data frame can be specified; here, I used out_camp. Using an out prefix is considered a good practice for easy interpretation. If the value is TRUE, the coordinate indeed lies outside the polygon.

Under the hood, the function utilizes read_municipality() from geobr. Therefore, a municipality code, along with the year and a CRS projection, must be provided.

# Sample data
df <- data.frame(lat = c(-22.71704, -22.71258, -22.84277, -22.73391, -22.77165),
                 lon = c(-46.91200, -46.90435, -47.07650, -47.00500, -46.98793))

# Getting the Campinas SHP.
shp_campinas <- read_municipality(code_muni = 3509502, year = 2020) %>%

# Transforming Latitude and Longitude in a geometry column
df_sf_point <- st_as_sf(df,
                        coords = c("lon", "lat"),
               = FALSE,
                        crs = st_crs(shp_campinas)) # Make the CRS of the points the same as the polygon
# Plot the polygon
ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data = shp_campinas, fill = "blue", color = "black") +
  # Add points from df_sf_point
  geom_point(data = df, aes(x = lon, y = lat), color = "red", size = 3) +
  # Customize plot labels and theme (if needed)
  labs(x = "Longitude", y = "Latitude", title = "Polygon and Points Map") +

In the example, we notice a problem where some points are found outside Campinas-SP. To identify these outside points, this function proves to be quite useful.

# Finding if the coordinates are inside or not the polygon
df <- points_out(df, "lat", "lon", "out_camp", code_muni = 3509502, year = 2020, polygon_crs = 4326)
knitr::kable(head(df), align = "c") 
lat lon out_camp
-22.84277 -47.07650 FALSE
-22.77165 -46.98793 FALSE

In this scenario, three points are found outside Campinas-SP. It’s worth noting that currently, the function marks outside points as NA while retaining the observation in the dataset. This feature could be beneficial when aiming for more accuracy in analysis.

Finally, we can utilize get_best_coords(). This function aims to determine the best coordinates among the three Geocoding services. The optimal structure of a data frame for these functions is as follows:

# Sample data frame
df <- data.frame(
  input_addr = c("Rua X 12345-123", "Rua Y 54321-321", "Rua Y 99999", "Rua Z 11111-888", "Rua Z 22211-888", "Rua Z 11111-832", "Rua Z 11111-328"),
  output_addr_1 = c("Rua X 12345-123", "Rua Y 52321-321", "Rua Y 39999", "Rua Z 11111-888", NA, NA, NA),
  output_addr_2 = c("Rua X 12345-113", "Rua YY 54321-321", "Rua 99999", "Rua G 11111", NA, NA, NA),
  output_addr_3 = c("Rua X 12345-123", "Rua Y 54321-321", "Rua YY 19999", "Rua K 11111", NA, NA, NA),
  lat1 = c(-22.71704, -22.71258, -22.77704, -22.74704, NA, NA, NA),
  lon1 = c(-46.91200, -46.90435, -46.97200, -46.91200, NA, NA, NA),
  lat2 = c(-22.72704, -22.71268, -22.72304, NA, -22.72704, NA, NA),
  lon2 = c(-46.93200, -46.90435, -46.99200, NA, -46.92435, NA, NA),
  lat3 = c(-22.75704, -22.71258, NA, NA, NA, -22.77704, NA),
  lon3 = c(-46.92430, -46.90435, NA, NA, NA, -46.92439, NA)

knitr::kable(head(df), align = "c") 
input_addr output_addr_1 output_addr_2 output_addr_3 lat1 lon1 lat2 lon2 lat3 lon3
Rua X 12345-123 Rua X 12345-123 Rua X 12345-113 Rua X 12345-123 -22.71704 -46.91200 -22.72704 -46.93200 -22.75704 -46.92430
Rua Y 54321-321 Rua Y 52321-321 Rua YY 54321-321 Rua Y 54321-321 -22.71258 -46.90435 -22.71268 -46.90435 -22.71258 -46.90435
Rua Y 99999 Rua Y 39999 Rua 99999 Rua YY 19999 -22.77704 -46.97200 -22.72304 -46.99200 NA NA
Rua Z 11111-888 Rua Z 11111-888 Rua G 11111 Rua K 11111 -22.74704 -46.91200 NA NA NA NA
Rua Z 22211-888 NA NA NA NA NA -22.72704 -46.92435 NA NA
Rua Z 11111-832 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA -22.77704 -46.92439

To obtain coordinates from three distinct services, the tidygeocoder package proves to be valuable. The combine_geocode() function accepts a list of arguments, allowing users to input addresses and obtain coordinates for each address from three services. It retrieves the output addresses found by each service. Depending on the Geocoding service, an API key might be required, and fees may apply. An illustrative example demonstrating Geocoding of Campinas-SP addresses in Arcgis, Bing, and Here using tidygeocoder::combine_geocode() can be found Here. This example showcases how to structure the sample data frame.

The function workflow is grounded in the previously discussed methodology and operates in two primary parts.

Firstly, it can consider columns representing three different sets of latitude and longitude coordinates for each service. To facilitate this, a dist prefix should be provided, such as dist.

The goal is to calculate the distance in kilometers between each pair of points across services. For instance, the resulting data frame would contain three additional columns: dist_prefix_1_2, dist_prefix_1_3, and dist_prefix_2_3. Here, 1_2 denotes the distance between lat1 lon1 and lat2 lon2.

The short_distance parameter assesses the three new distance columns dist_prefix_*_* and selects the shortest value. This parameter corresponds to the name of the column with the shortest distance. For instance, if dist_prefix_1_2 has a lower value compared to dist_prefix_1_3 and dist_prefix_2_3, the short_distance for that observation will be dist_prefix_1_2. This step also addresses scenarios where insufficient latitude and longitude coordinates are available for a given address. This happens when only one service found a point for an address, or no coordinates were found by any service. In such cases, the short_distance identifies the only available latitude and longitude. If none exist, it assigns a standard text. For instance, if only Geocoding service 1 provided a coordinate, it will appear in the short_distance observation as just lat1 and lon1.

The short_distance is needed to calculate the mdc. This process verifies if a service’s identified coordinate aligns with those confirmed by other services. It looks for validation based on the shortest distance. If three services provide coordinates for an address, the two closest points each receive a score point. When only two services offer coordinates, both receive a score point, regardless of distance. No score points are awarded if only one service provides coordinates.

The summarize_mdc option tallies the score points awarded in the mdc process, grouped by Geocoding service. This creates a quality ranking for each region. Literature suggests that Geocoding services exhibit varying performance across regions. Higher values indicate a service has a higher frequency of coordinate matches with other services.

This ranking acts as a tiebreaker in the final selection of coordinates for an address. When summarize_mdc = TRUE, the return is a list that includes the original data frame with appended columns and a summarized data frame displaying the mdc frequencies.

result <- get_best_coords(df, "lat1", "lon1", "lat2", "lon2", "lat3", "lon3", "dis",
                          short_distance = TRUE, 
                          mdc = TRUE, 
                          summarize_mdc = TRUE)
mdc_summary <- result$mdc_summary
knitr::kable(head(mdc_summary), align = "c") 
3 2 1
df <- result$original_data
knitr::kable(head(df), align = "c") 
input_addr output_addr_1 output_addr_2 output_addr_3 lat1 lon1 lat2 lon2 lat3 lon3 dis_1_2 dis_1_3 dis_2_3 shortest_distance dis_1 dis_2 dis_3
Rua X 12345-123 Rua X 12345-123 Rua X 12345-113 Rua X 12345-123 -22.71704 -46.91200 -22.72704 -46.93200 -22.75704 -46.92430 2.3359090 4.628388 3.4318723 dis_1_2 1 1 0
Rua Y 54321-321 Rua Y 52321-321 Rua YY 54321-321 Rua Y 54321-321 -22.71258 -46.90435 -22.71268 -46.90435 -22.71258 -46.90435 0.0111319 0.000000 0.0111319 dis_1_3 1 0 1
Rua Y 99999 Rua Y 39999 Rua 99999 Rua YY 19999 -22.77704 -46.97200 -22.72304 -46.99200 NA NA 6.3522199 NA NA dis_1_2 1 1 0
Rua Z 11111-888 Rua Z 11111-888 Rua G 11111 Rua K 11111 -22.74704 -46.91200 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA just lat1 and lon1 0 0 0
Rua Z 22211-888 NA NA NA NA NA -22.72704 -46.92435 NA NA NA NA NA just lat2 and lon2 0 0 0
Rua Z 11111-832 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA -22.77704 -46.92439 NA NA NA just lat3 and lon3 0 0 0

The second segment of the function focuses on determining the final coordinate based on two key measures of quality:

  • Checking CEP equality between the input address and output address.
  • Evaluating the shortest distance between points.
  • Utilizing the MDC rank.

The cep_confirmation functionality utilizes extr_cep() internally for the provided address columns. It’s important to note that when cep_confimation = TRUE, four address strings are required. One corresponds to the input_addr utilized in Geocoding, which must contain CEP information. The other three represent the output_addr_*, each corresponding to a different Geocoding service. Additionally, the subsector_as_zip parameter can be specified to consider five-digit patterns as CEP during extraction. The outcome generates four new columns containing the CEPs for each provided address.

On the other hand, cep_comparison relies on compare_cep() and necessitates cep_confirmation = TRUE, along with all address columns. It compares the CEP extracted from the input_addr in the cep_confirmation. Subsequently, it generates three new columns to verify if the CEP from the input_addr matches the CEP from the output_addr for each of the three services. Setting strict_check to TRUE enables the evaluation of equality between CEPs with five digits. It’s advisable to match subsector_as_zip = TRUE with strict_check = TRUE for consistency.

result <- get_best_coords(df, "lat1", "lon1", "lat2", "lon2", "lat3", "lon3", "dis",
                           short_distance = TRUE, 
                           mdc = TRUE, 
                           summarize_mdc = TRUE,
                           cep_confirmation = TRUE,
                           subsector_as_zip = TRUE,
                           cep_comparison = TRUE,
                           strict_check = TRUE,
                           input_addr = "input_addr",
                           output_addr_1 = "output_addr_1",
                           output_addr_2 = "output_addr_2",
                           output_addr_3 = "output_addr_3")
df <- result$original_data
knitr::kable(head(df), align = "c") 
input_addr output_addr_1 output_addr_2 output_addr_3 lat1 lon1 lat2 lon2 lat3 lon3 dis_1_2 dis_1_3 dis_2_3 shortest_distance dis_1 dis_2 dis_3 input_addr_cep output_addr_cep_1 output_addr_cep_2 output_addr_cep_3 comparison_cep_input_output_1 comparison_cep_input_output_2 comparison_cep_input_output_3
Rua X 12345-123 Rua X 12345-123 Rua X 12345-113 Rua X 12345-123 -22.71704 -46.91200 -22.72704 -46.93200 -22.75704 -46.92430 2.3359090 4.628388 3.4318723 dis_1_2 1 1 0 12345123 12345123 12345113 12345123 1 0 1
Rua Y 54321-321 Rua Y 52321-321 Rua YY 54321-321 Rua Y 54321-321 -22.71258 -46.90435 -22.71268 -46.90435 -22.71258 -46.90435 0.0111319 0.000000 0.0111319 dis_1_3 1 0 1 54321321 52321321 54321321 54321321 0 1 1
Rua Y 99999 Rua Y 39999 Rua 99999 Rua YY 19999 -22.77704 -46.97200 -22.72304 -46.99200 NA NA 6.3522199 NA NA dis_1_2 1 1 0 99999 39999 99999 19999 0 1 0
Rua Z 11111-888 Rua Z 11111-888 Rua G 11111 Rua K 11111 -22.74704 -46.91200 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA just lat1 and lon1 0 0 0 11111888 11111888 11111 11111 1 NA NA
Rua Z 22211-888 NA NA NA NA NA -22.72704 -46.92435 NA NA NA NA NA just lat2 and lon2 0 0 0 22211888 NA NA NA NA NA NA
Rua Z 11111-832 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA -22.77704 -46.92439 NA NA NA just lat3 and lon3 0 0 0 11111832 NA NA NA NA NA NA

The entire process aims to identify the best coordinate for each address, following the workflow previously outlined. Firstly, it examines the equality between the CEPs of input_addr and output_addr_*. If all three match (1), it proceeds to assess the short_distance. Then, it utilizes the mdc ranking generated by summarize_mdc as a tiebreaker.

When two output_addr_*instances share CEP equality with the input_addr, the decision primarily relies on the mdc rank, omitting distance comparison.

If only one output_addr_* shares CEP equality with the input_addr, it is selected as the final coordinate.

The process maintains a consistent logic even when no CEP equality exists between any output_addr_* and the input_addr. In such cases, it examines the short_distance when coordinates are available for three output_addr_*. It selects the closest one, followed by a tiebreaker based on the mdc. When only two coordinates are available with no CEP equality, it relies solely on the mdc rank to pick the better coordinate. If there’s only one output_addr_* available without CEP equality, that coordinate is chosen.

The flowchart succinctly illustrates the entire process of selecting the final coordinate.


Note: Final coordinate selection is still in development


These methods are valuable in establishing metrics and measures for evaluating Geocoding quality and coverage across different municipalities. Additionally, they serve when precision in coordinate selection is essential for the task at hand.