About Me
With two years of hands-on experience as a research assistant at the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas Observatory and as a teaching assistant in econometrics coursework. My first project focused on Productive Structure and Socioeconomic Development, conducting comprehensive studies on foreign trade and productive structure complexity within the Metropolitan Region of Campinas (MRC). The second, in collaboration with the FEAC foundation, involved conducting a Social Territory Diagnosis. This initiative entailed Geocoding data obtained from the Single Registry (Cadastro Único), a federal program that registers families in social vulnerability. Both projects offered valuable insights for the industrial and third sectors, as well as playing a crucial role in the decision-making processes within the public sector.
Technical Skills: Statistics | Econometrics | Spatial Econometrics | Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA) | Regional Economics | Development Economics Research | Scientific Writing | Black-Schoels | Monte Carlo | Commodities | OTC | GIS Fundamentals | R | SQL | Python | Data Analysis | Fluent Portuguese and Advanced English
- Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (December 2023)
Work Experience
Research Assistant @ Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas Observatory (March 2023 - February 2024)
I worked on building the methodology that Geocoded more than 70 thousand families from the Single Registry of Campinas, SP and helped built the Index of Intramunicipality Social Vulnerability - (IVSIM), in partnership with the FEAC Foundation, a Third Sector Organization, using R and Python language. The result brought a better understanding of regions with social vulnerability using spatial data analysis, providing information for public policy makers and the third sector organizations.
- Analyzed more than 170 sensitive socioeconomic variables from administrative records, collaborating in the construction of IVSIM, which allowed the ranking of Single Registry families by level of vulnerability.
- Built a package in R (RefineGeo) that includes the Geocoding methodology. Performing cleaning, standardizing addresses and choosing coordinates, making the process easier for other researchers.
- Collaborated with a FEAC analyst to produce a methodological note that encompasses the process and results of Geocoding, in addition to reviewing codes and creating technical reports, meeting ad hoc demands from researchers.
Teaching Assistant @ Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (February 2023 - Dezember 2023)
- Provided support to four classes in the subjects of Econometrics, Econometrics Laboratory II and Accounting. I elaborated tutorials on the subject and the R language, created a list of exercises, answer keys and conducted corrections on tasks, tests and final exams.
Research Assistant @ Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas Observatory (February 2022 - December 2022)
I worked on preparing technical and informative reports on foreign trade in the Metropolitan Region of Campinas.
- Performed ETL process for foreign trade data through COMEX STAT, analyzing information about 20 municipalities and developing an automated report in RMarkdown to generate the RMC Monthly Foreign Trade Newsletter, reducing publication time for local media and public entities.
- Reviewed codes, prepared documentation and created methodological notes for topics of regional relevance. Furthermore, I met ad hoc demands from RMC researchers and city halls regarding foreign trade analysis.
The Geocoding Methodology Process for the Cadastro Único Families in Campinas-SP
Full Study
Portifolio Publication
Developed in collaboration with FEAC foundation analysts and researchers from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas Observatory, a unique methodology was established to geocode over 70,000 families registered in the Cadastro Único in Campinas. This process served as the initial phase to construct a social vulnerability index for the municipality. The outcomes revealed areas with a dense concentration of program registrations, offering valuable insights about social economic vulnerability for third-sector organizations and policymakers.
R Package RefineGeo
The RefineGeo package offers a comprehensive suite of functions aimed at refining address data, extracting meaningful location information, and enabling advanced Geocoding comparisons.
Instructor of Workshop - Geocoding and Cartography for Socioeconomic Studies
Driven by my interest in GIS and spatial data analysis, I was one of the instructors for a two-day workshop entailing the process of Geocoding and map making in the R language.
Monthly Foreign Trade Report of the Metropolitan Region of Campinas (MRC)
Full Study
Portifolio Publication
Monthly Foreign Trade Report of the Metropolitan Region of Campinas (MRC), generated using an automated workflow in RMarkdown. This report contains vital data on exports and imports, including the trade balance, presented with both yearly and monthly comparisons. It elaborates on the complexity of exported and imported goods, making it a valuable tool for decision-makers in industrial and public sectors.
Unveiling Commodity Futures’ Closing Prices: PCA Analysis Using Plotly
In this analysis, I explore the intricate world of commodity futures trading and market relationships, shedding light on the underlying dynamics and correlations among different commodities.
Analysis of Medicine Purchases in the Health Price Database
In this analysis, I explore the Federal Database of Medicine Purchases, allowing for a better understanding, by municipality, on the behavior of pharmacy products.
- Data Science With R DataCamp: A 88h course that contemplates Data Science With R (11/2022)
- Data Analyst in SQL DataCamp: A 39h course that contemplates Data Analysis With SQL (02/2023)
- Data Analyst in Power BI: A 48h that contemplates Data Analysis in Power BI (01/2024)
- CPA-10: ANBIMA certificate about Brazilian Financial Market (10/2023)
- Teaching Assistant Certificate: Certificate of Teaching Assistant Classes During the Year of 2023 (02/2023 - 12/2023)
- Python Fundamentals: A 15h course that contemplates the fundamentals of Python Programming Language (01/2024)
Talks & Lectures
- IV Fórum do Observatório PUC-Campinas. 2023. [Meeting].
- Academic Week at Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas University. Geocoding of the Single Regristy Families. 2023. Exhibition.
- Annual Extension Meeting of the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas Observatory: Productive Structure and Regional Socioeconomic Development. 2022. Meeting.
- Award: Participant in the international tournament for the business simulation CESIM, representing PUC-Campinas University.
- Award: Won 3rd prize among 24 teams for the business simulation CESIM competition organized by the University of PUC-Campinas.
OLIVEIRA, P. R. S. ; ALONSO, R. ; LUCAS, J. P. T. T. ; MARTINS, W. . Geocodificação dos Endereços do CadÚnico de Campinas. 2023. Methodological Study
OLIVEIRA, P. R. S.; ALONSO, R.; LUCAS, J. P. T. T.; MARTINS, W. Geocodificação dos Domicílios do Cad-Único. In: NOGUEIRA, A. B.; VALENTE, R. K. M.; PLÁCIDO, V. L. (org.). Impacto na Sociedade: Relatos da Extensão e Pesquisa na PUC-Campinas. 1. ed. Campinas: SPLENDED PUC-CAMPINAS, 2023. v. 1, cap. 2.6, p. 147-154. ISBN 978-65-89946-04-5. Disponível em: https://www.calameo.com/read/0028127050edbdd81263a. Acesso em: 25 maio 2024.